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How Duratia 60mg improves your ejaculation control?

The active component Dapoxetine is the main ingredient that looks after eradicating PE. Dapoxetine has the ability to delay ejaculation by working on certain brain chemicals, aka neurotransmitters. However, the exact action mechanism of the drug in helping you gain control over your ejaculation is unknown. It has been found that the drug works on a chemical called serotonin that is associated with semen ejaculation.

It is advisable to use this generic medicine after having a word with a healthcare practitioner for appropriate dosage and directions. Usually, physicians prescribe a dose of Duratia 60mg ( ) once in a day, which should be taken nearly an hour before planning the sexual activity. While undergoing treatment with this generic medicine, one should not consume alcohol and fatty meal, because they can hamper the drug absorption process. Self-medication and overdose can prove fatal, so try to follow the instructions given by the medical advisor while using it.

Created at 9/15/2022 9:29 AM by  
Last modified at 9/15/2022 9:29 AM by